Gun show today August 6, 2023

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Moderator: Niner

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Gun show today August 6, 2023

Post by Niner » Sun Aug 06, 2023 1:03 pm

Went to my first gun show in six years. Went to the same location gun show I set up at and sold off a few of excess bottom feeders in the collection in 2018 and reported here.

Some things I noticed:

The get into the show fee was now $10. Very few C&R weapons of any sort. I could count all of the ones of any sort I saw and not get a full dozen. One SKS someone was asking $950 for that I couldn't identify as to model but not Chinese. Saw one SKS that was Chinese and the guy wanted $650 for. There was one only in the whole building Enfield with a $600 tag. One only Manlicher carbine $500. There were three M1 carbines. One an after war build for $700 and two others that looked of war vintage at over $3000! Ammo in abundance with fat prices compared to what I paid for what I have in my ammo stash. 7.62x39 in stripper clip 10 rounds for $12.... even I knew that was double the current buy online rate even figuring the stripper clip might be silver plated and adding in shipping cost.

There were lots and lots of black rifle clones of various descriptions and prices starting with some kind of 7.62x39 thing for $600 and going up to any price you wanted to pay. But...most were under $1000 and questionable production. The big relatively less inflated items were lots and lots of handguns. Most automatics. And the Hand Guns seemed to have not budged much in price from the last time I was at a show. Regular bolt action and automatic hunting rifles and shotguns were there but not nearly as many in years past.
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