Minolta Maxxum 300si

I started this forum for any collecting hobby and it turned into my camera collecting and using forum. I use it mostly to keep a record of my photo adventures. Nobody but me seems to have photo adventures that visit here....but however. I have so many cameras now that I forget which is which and which ones work and which ones don't. If you have cameras and adventures you would be welcome to post here.

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Minolta Maxxum 300si

Post by Niner » Fri Dec 29, 2023 7:29 pm

I was looking at Ebay and there was a Minolta Maxxum 300si with an AF 28-105 Tamron lens that nobody seemed to want. Since I like Minolta, and didn't have one of this model, I bid. It was one of those fill in the model gap things in the collection. $9 plus another $9 to ship it to me was my winning bid.

This camera is the ultimate I don't want to have to do much thinking camera and still get decent photos. Auto focus lens works according to program selection or switch to manual focus if you like. Five programs plus P. No manual choices at all involving apertures and shutter speeds to have to dither over. But... flash on, off, auto and self timer and red eye reduction all any tyro would need. Film auto loads and auto rewinds at the end of the roll. Every person just wanting to snap decent photos with an SLR camera in 1995 could appreciate this camera.

The camera feels good in the hand with it's big full body and nice sounding shutter click. Takes good quality photos as it turned out.
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