Yashica Electro series

I started this forum for any collecting hobby and it turned into my camera collecting and using forum. I use it mostly to keep a record of my photo adventures. Nobody but me seems to have photo adventures that visit here....but however. I have so many cameras now that I forget which is which and which ones work and which ones don't. If you have cameras and adventures you would be welcome to post here.

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Yashica Electro series

Post by Niner » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:49 pm

The Electro series from Yashica were consumer grade range finders. You can find them on ebay. The GSN was the top of the line and the MG-1, 1975. was the bottom. They worked about the same with differences in lenses but with the same control features. Split screen, range marks, aperture setting and extra graphics as hints as to sunny, cloudy, etc. Lots of lights for over and under and arrows flashing in screen to warn you. The only problem today is finding a way to power them up.

I went on ebay and got an imported from china sleeve with a metal base that fits the 4L44 6V battery and proceeded to try it out. The GSN had a problem with the sticky shutter so I loaded up the MG-1. Previously I had used the GSN with a jury rig spring and wire thing that worked somewhat ok. This was a step up solution. It worked fine in the MG-1 but I cooked the film a bit too long as the temp of the D76 was hotter than I had needed it to be.
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