The experiment in site management that failed.

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Moderator: Niner

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The experiment in site management that failed.

Post by Niner » Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:41 am

I tried to see if I could coax guests to post by requiring membership in the message board to read the forum material. Much of what is here goes back 20 years and shows the progression of milsurp collecting in a timeline that isn't easily found elsewhere on the internet. Some of the information here may be hard to find now days considering the drying up of surplus rifle supply and lessening interest due to a number of factors centering around availability. The changes in the site did bring in new members at a rate of four or five a week. However, the new members weren't posting and so it was all an experiment that produced no positive results for keeping the site afloat.

I've changed the forums back to the way they were before in that anyone can read any post again in any of the long standing forums.

I've also made joining simpler. Instant access where before there was a moderator approval process. The capcha has been modified as well.
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Re: The experiment in site management that failed.

Post by DuncaninFrance » Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:18 am

Onwards and upwards then Robert!

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