Shotguns for clay, fur, feather and all other applications. New or old. Expensive masterpiece or plain and practical.
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Niner Delta
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by Niner Delta » Thu Jun 14, 2018 7:11 pm
Recently a friend of a friend bought a gun collection from a woman whose husband passed.
There were a couple of shotguns he didn't want so he said he would sell them cheap. I liked this
Mossberg 500, and yes, it is the Ford (or Chevrolet) of shotguns. They always work, they are cheap
and there are a zillion of them made in countless configurations. Even the military has used them
at different times. This one is the all black 12ga., 7+1, 20" barrel. It's a tactical (home defense)
design and they have been making the 500 model since 1960. Anyway, the guy wanted $200 so I
bought it, even had the chicken pad already on it. Contacted Mossberg and they said it was made
in Feb 2010. Took it apart and realized..... it had never been fired.....
The outside looked new so I figured it hadn't been fired much.... but never!!
Talked to the guy and he said several of the guns in the collection had never been fired.
I had a scope rail for this shotgun that I bought by accident, so I dug it out and put it on.
Maybe a nice scope would be useful for precision targeting......
Peace is that brief, quiet moment in history.......... when everybody stands around reloading.
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by Niner » Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:24 pm
Cool. Great home defense gun if you don't mind destroying the furniture while taking care of the bad guys.
I love a pump. The ka..chunk as you rack the slide gives the shooter courage and scares the crap out of the bad guy.
Niner Delta
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by Niner Delta » Fri Jun 15, 2018 8:13 pm
I agree about the sound, racking the slide is a noise you can't miss.
Have thought about getting a stock that has a pistol grip, maybe sometime. The thing about
these is that it's like an AR, in that you can change it so many ways. There are so many bolt on
accessories that you make it into anything you want.
Peace is that brief, quiet moment in history.......... when everybody stands around reloading.
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by DuncaninFrance » Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:08 am
I know what you mean Vern.........


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by NuJudge » Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:07 pm
I won a Mossberg 500 in a pistol match some 30 years ago. Homely as a mud fence, so it sat in the box, in my closet for several years. One day I pulled it out and took it Skeet shooting, and it shot really well. I seemingly could get away with much less lead on the full deflection #4 station. I shot my first 25 in Skeet with it.
All kinds of attachments are available: I even have a muzzle loader barrel! I have shot deer with the rifled barrel that is available, with a scope mounted on the receiver. I found it to be very accurate, especially with the Remington solid copper hollow points.
I have one of the 20 gauge versions also, which also shoots very well for me. I also have a rifled barrel for it, but it has a scope mount which is a part of the barrel, a preferable arrangement.
Niner Delta
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by Niner Delta » Fri May 03, 2024 6:04 pm
Was looking through some old posts and thought I would update this one. As I mentioned in an earlier post, maybe I would
put a pistol grip on it, and I did about 3 years ago. Also added a collapsible stock and shell holder. After the additions we
took it to woods and shot skeet with it, the pistol grip seemed to help but I still couldn't hit much, the other guys did
better with it.
Peace is that brief, quiet moment in history.......... when everybody stands around reloading.
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by Niner » Fri May 03, 2024 10:47 pm
It would be a great weapon in a Xbox Residence Evil game. In any wander around haunted buildings game always take the shotgun of any weapons offered. Zombies hate to be shot by them. Kills them ....deader.

Niner Delta
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by Niner Delta » Sat May 04, 2024 6:39 pm
There is about 1" of spring loaded recoil in the buttstock to help the shoulder shock, it helps a little
and so does the rubber pad.
I have never played any of those types of shooter games, my favorites were the WWII combat flying simulation games.
Peace is that brief, quiet moment in history.......... when everybody stands around reloading.