Believe it or not

Place to discuss gun laws around the world and general observations about the legal aspects of collecting in any country.

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Believe it or not

Post by Niner » Fri Sep 27, 2024 11:15 am

Ripley drew a box cartoon with odd fantastic illustrated claims for the newspaper once upon a time. The title "Believe it or not" didn't affirm any of the cartoon subjects were true.... just believe it or not. Now days we have think tanks and research committees that come out with statements that are a lot like Ripley. Only they don't include the "or not" clause and no evidence for the believe it statement.
"Mass shootings are horrific events. We found that large capacity magazine bans may have the biggest effect on reducing child deaths in mass shootings," said senior study author Dr. Stephanie Chao, an associate professor of surgery-pediatric surgery at Stanford Medicine Children's Health. "We hope that research like ours can help legislators to make informed choices."

Exactly how much difference did these large capacity magazine bans make? For the eight states that adopted them, the odds of a child being killed during a mass shooting dropped by 91%, according to findings to be presented Sunday at the American Academy of Pediatrics annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.

In contrast, the most common gun laws -- which include restrictions on gun purchasing or the possession of firearms around children in a school setting -- failed to lower child deaths due to mass shootings.
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Re: Believe it or not

Post by Niner Delta » Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:48 pm

"Mass shootings are horrific events." ... Good thing they told me, I never would have guessed. :roll: :roll:

My opinion of the rest of the article.

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Peace is that brief, quiet moment in history.......... when everybody stands around reloading.
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