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Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:43 am
by Reese Williams
Anyone who can invent a 100% squirrel proof birdfeeder will be a rich man. That is if the cost of the birdfeeder can be kept under a seven digit figure. One of the better tricks I've seen tis to suspend the feeder with a wire, then spray the wire with PAM or some other non-stick cooking spray. The squirrel trying to climb down the wire gets an express ride to the guard on top of the feeder and has usually obtained enough velocity to get launched into mid-yard. The downside is the spray only lasts a couple of days and has to be re-applied.

Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:38 am
by Niner
So far..... I have seen squirrels around the PCV pipe, probably picking over any seed the birds knocked out of the tray, but none have gotten to the feeder....yet. At least that I've noticed.

Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:51 pm
by Niner
Back to the drawing board. Didn't see how he got to the seed tray....but.

Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 12:31 am
by Niner Delta
Get a shotgun, kill all the damn birds, fill the feeder with squirrel poison,
sit down and drink a beer, relax, and forget the whole episode........ :lol:


Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 2:55 am
by DuncaninFrance
Best solution is "SKY HOOKS" Robert :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:59 am
by Niner
Think the best thing is to let the birds and the quirrels fight it out and only put feed in the damn feeder at the same rate as if only the birds got to it. :loco:

Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:13 am
by Niner
One last notion. I'll see what this does to their climbing efforts.....if anything.

Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:03 pm
by Niner Delta
When I was a kid we had a lot of forest on our property. One day my Dad fell
a tree and there was a nest of baby flying squirrels in it. They are called flying
squirrels because they have a flap of skin between the front and back legs on each
side that allows them to glide like a parasail between the tall trees.
Anyway, my Dad took them home and built a large cage for them. As you can see,
at first we fed them from a doll's baby bottle. We had them for several years
back in the late '50s, we took them out to play and they never ran away and
always went back into the cage. Look close and you can see there are 2 of them
in my Dad's hand.

Now days the Fish and Game Dept. would probably come and arrest us for not
getting some expensive wildlife permit................... :lol:


Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:00 pm
by Niner
How about this for team work. Just now noticed a squirrel in the ledge of the feeder. He would scoop up some seed and lean over the side and drop a load to his friends below. Then he would bend back and get another scoop.

Re: Bird feeder

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 4:35 pm
by Dave 101
Just think of it this way your fattening them up and they don't know it , but a juicy squirrel pie is on the menu soon .
