
Anything else you collect that doesn't have a forum.

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Post by Niner » Wed Sep 10, 2008 2:40 pm

I am not an actual collector. I just picked up an album that somebody discarded at a flea market. I figured for $2 it was at least a curiosity.

It had a pretty good many stamps in it to start with and I even bought a few stamps afterward to fill it out a little. Like the Occupied nations stamps printed back during WWII.

The oldest stamp in the album is a not very pristine one from 1862 or 1863.

If I ever have any grand kids I'll pass it on......... although I imagine few kids collect stamps now days.
bottom half of WWII special stamps
bottom half of WWII special stamps
top half of WWII special stamps
top half of WWII special stamps
A stamp from 1862 or 1863
A stamp from 1862 or 1863
The album from the flea market
The album from the flea market
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Post by Dalkowski110 » Wed Sep 10, 2008 4:36 pm

Very nice! My Dad collected stamps well into the 1990's. We have a ton. The earliest we have is an early 1850's Penny Red, which was the second postage stamp ever printed (it's very common, but it was the second printed). It's fascinating to see some of the tiny little countries you've not heard anything about; they printed stamps! When I looked at my Dad's collection, I would read up on the countries in my Dad's atlases and I really think that got me out ahead of the curve in geography when we did that in school.

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Post by Karl/Pa. » Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:39 am

I collected stamps in my adolescence. I guess I always was a history buff and I learned so much and quickly learned how to identify the different countries and languages. Who today even has heard of Sun Yat-Sen or Chiang Kai Shek or the Hapsburgs?

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